Beiträge zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Sprachwissenschaft (Dec 2023)
Zwischen den Welten: Digitale Kompetenzen und Tools in der Fremdsprachendidaktik am Beispiel des Polnischen und Russischen
The article aims to present the results of the Interreg project “DPL digital” at the Department of Slavonic Studies at the University of Greifswald and the implementation of digital tools in foreign language pedagogy on the example of Polish and Russian. The project was carried out in the seminar “Media Use in Foreign Language Teaching Didactics”. The essence of the project was to familiarize students with selected online tools that can be used in teaching foreign languages. It was conducted as part of the seminar “Use of media in foreign language teaching”, whose didactic assumption was strengthening the digital competences of future teachers through project work. Nowadays, practice-oriented media pedagogy is an integral component of teacher training and an essential prerequisite for modern teaching in schools (Bäsler 2021:431). DPL digital follows the Game-Based-Learning approach when presenting or assessing linguistic content in a playful way. Recent analyses of the use of online tools in teaching Polish as a foreign language indicate that the effectiveness of learning process in the treatment group increases by 17% (Kaźmierczak 2020:46).