Medisur (Feb 2023)

Students’ perception about the aspects that support learning in the Medicine career

  • Rodolfo Javier Rivero Morey,
  • Lya del Rosario Magariño Abreus,
  • Jeisy Rivero Morey,
  • Mabel Rocha Vázquez

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 21, no. 1
pp. 90 – 98


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Background: one of the great challenges that current teachers face is the hyperconnection of students, so including emerging technologies in the educational teaching process is a necessity.Objective: to characterize the students’ perception about the aspects that support learning in the Medicine career.Methods: descriptive, cross-sectional study from January to March 2020. The studied universe was 1580 students from the Cienfuegos University of Medical Sciences’ Medicine career. Sociodemographic variables, the most useful resources and sources used to study, as well as the teacher’s assessment, among others, were studied. A database was created in SPSS 21.0 for statistical processing.Results: the mean age was 23.04 (±6.60) years with a predominance of females (65.4%). The 89.6% are Cuban students and 63.7% are studying the D curriculum. The teaching literatura (49.1%), the teacher’s explanation (34.4%), the clarity of the teacher when teaching the contents (31.6%) and their ability to relate theory-practice (30.9%) were the main resources and sources of study from those surveyed.Conclusions: despite the fact that the new generations entering higher medical education have developed in a more digitized context, the teacher is still the guide for the acquisition of knowledge through the clarity and depth of the explanation in class, integration seminars and its capacity for theoretical-practical connection.
