Sport Mont (Sep 2010)


  • Jelica Stojanović,
  • Nevenka Zrnzević

Journal volume & issue
Vol. VIII, no. 23-24
pp. 226 – 234


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The obesty is a state characterized by pathological accumulation of fat tissue in the body, and nutritional disorders are associated with the high risk of numerous health problems since earliest childhood. The obesty has been increasing and it has now reached the proportion of an epidemic with the tendency of growth in the number of fat people. Such a negative trend directly influences the reduction of the functional and motorical abilities of the entire population. The research purpose to examine state nutrition the younger elementary schoolchildren and to see if there are deviations between the age groups. In the reasearching were included 313 tested divaidedin four groups. All tested were a regular pupils of the first and second grade of elementary school. In the resarching there were include the bouth the poles of pupils and the conditiones for testing were optimal. On the basis of anthropometric measurement of the body weight and height, body mass index (BMI) values were calculated. And if is index of body mass is possible to find a lot of critrcizm, where is the most important that is not support constructive specific of the one man, but it gave information with results is possible standardation and clasification. The differences have been established through multivariant analysis of MANOVA variance, single variant univariant analysis of ANOVA variance and Discriminative analyses.