Jurnal Riset Informatika (Mar 2021)
Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency in 2018, it was written that the number of motorbikes for the Indonesian region was 120.10 million or 82% and for cars 26.75 million or around 18% of the total population. With the increasing population of motorized vehicle users, it will result in an increase in problems that occur in traffic violations and also the technology security system in the parking system. Most of the existing parking systems still require parking attendants. In addition, the existing system only discusses the opening and closing of bars and providing information on parking lots. Although the existing system already uses artificial intelligence to read plate numbers, the officers are still matching it. Of course, this is not effective and efficient because the use of artificial intelligence is not purely done by the system. To overcome this, the solution given in this study is to create a parking system that can read plate numbers automatically and store vehicle entry data directly into the database. The system created can also open and close the door latch automatically. The template matching image processing technique was chosen to solve this problem. Based on the experimental results, the system can recognize plate numbers with an accuracy of 83%. For further research, it is necessary to introduce vehicle ownership and provide parking information so that the parking system becomes more perfect.