Attention to oropharingeal dysfunction in home care: speech therapy management. Appearance and content validation study of a guidance manual
ABSTRACT Purpose: to validate as to appearance and content, the "guidance manual for adult patients with dysphagia in home care speech therapy". Methods: a qualitative and quantitative study, divided into three stages; first, the pilot material was constructed; second, 8 expert judges, with a master or doctorate degree, were chosen to assess the manual through a questionnaire; and third, 8 caregiver judges of home care patients were chosen to represent the study population. Results: Pearson's linear correlation was used in the analysis of the judges' answers, considering the responses with a correlation greater than 0,6 which is a parameter that indicates a strong linear correlation. Conclusion: the results found, after the judges' evaluation, showed a strong correlation between the questions regarding the content of the manual and suggesting appearance and content validity.