Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica (Jun 2021)
The battle of Lepanto: a cultural image from history to Spanish literature
The battle of Lepanto represents one of the most successful literary and artistic recreations of a military event, as its echo travelled fast, reaching the New World shortly. Its image was illustrated in Spain throughout the 16th and 17th centuries in relaciones de sucesos, chronicles, poems, plays and paintings. Our article focuses on all these different types of information, in an attempt to show the complexity of the phenomenon of the battle of Lepanto. The information provided focuses solely on the elements of novelty, insisting very little on what has already been detailed by the previous historiography. Our corpus includes paintings by Titian and works by Fernando de Herrera, Luis Vélez de Guevara, Lope de Vega, González de Eslava etc.