Diacronie. Studi di Storia Contemporanea (Sep 2014)
Identitades vernáculas, propaganda subliminal y sentimiento nacionalista. La “Sección retrospectiva” de la exposición internacional de Barcelona de 1923 o la feria de las vanidades del meuble español
The International Exhibition of Furniture and Interior Design, held in Barcelona in 1923, not only had the furniture as documentary evidence of the uses, ways and means and ways of life. The show organizers also served to reconstruct the History of Spain and Catalonia from the Middle Ages to the XVIII century through the eight “rooms” that formed the Archival Section. Through this scenery we perceive the identity and values of the cabinet anthropological and cultural “product” of societies, demonstrating a dramatic and theatrical sense that contrasts with the archaeological and rigorously “scientific” view of the past. From the Catalan perspective, the meaning of the exhibition took on a ‘nationalist’ meaning attached to the Spanish which was seconded by the organizers and reviled by critics, closer to independence secessionist.