Peuce (Nov 2017)
Aşezarea din perioada timpurie a epocii fierului de la Niculiţel–Cornet, jud. Tulcea. Cercetările arheologice din anul 2000
The paper presents the Early Iron Age discoveries resulted in the archaeological excavations carried out in the year 2000 at the Niculiţel–Cornet site. During this campaign, 126 archaeological complexes were researched (most of them being deposit pits) and a considerably large quantity of pottery, clay objects, a bronze bracelet, animal and stone hard materials were discovered, which are here analyzed. Lacking the proper objects that could give us a more precise chronology, the settlement from Niculiţel–Cornet can be largely dated between the 10th-9th c. BC. Until now we have only one carbon dating extracted from the Cas-7 complex, which indicates a dating of 2730± 35 BP.