BMJ Paediatrics Open (Dec 2019)

Neurodevelopmental delay in normocephalic children with in utero exposure to Zika virus

  • Adriana Virginia Faiçal,
  • Juliana Cabral de Oliveira,
  • João Vitor Vieira Oliveira,
  • Breno Lima de Almeida,
  • Iluska Andrade Agra,
  • Luiz Carlos Junior Alcantara,
  • Angelina Xavier Acosta,
  • Isadora Cristina de Siqueira

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Vol. 3, no. 1


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Neurodevelopment in 29 normocephalic children with in utero exposure to Zika virus (ZIKV) was evaluated by the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-Third Edition. Ten (35%) infants presented neurodevelopment delay. Language, cognitive and motor delays were identified in 9 (31%), 4 (14%) and 1 (3%) infants, respectively. Children exposed to ZIKV in utero must undergo careful evaluations for the early detection of any neurodevelopment delays in order to implement prompt intervention.