Cultura de los Cuidados (Jun 2012)
Repercussion of diabetes mellitus in the sexuality of male patients regular attendants to 'Violeta Parra' Doctor's office in Chiclan, Chile, 2003
Descriptive, retrospective and cross-sectional study, whose aim was discovering to what extent could Diabetes Mellitus affect the sexuality of males. They were regular patients/clients of the Urban General ‘Violeta Parra’ Doctor's Office in Chillan, Chile. The instrument used was a survey, adapted by the authors themselves, including a scale to measure the repercussion of Diabetes Mellitus in the sexuality of males, and a sub-scale of ‘couple relationship’, both questionnaires validated by doctors Eduardo Pino and Elena Sepúlveda. In addition, the Morris Rosemberg’s Self-esteem Scale, modified by the researchers themselves, was also used. A sample of 100 males selected at simple random was taken, bearing in mind a criterium for exclusion of a universe of 391 male clients/patients from the Urban General ‘Violeta Parra’ Doctor's Office of Chillan. The study was based on theoretical and empirical backgrounds demonstrating Diabetes Mellitus produces Sexual Erectile Dysfunction (SED) as a direct consequence of vascular changes and most of the times of neuro-pathic causes. To emphasize the validity of this investigation, data including personal, psycho-social and sexual history were gathered from the patients. The results demonstrated that only 3% of the ‘Violeta Parra’ clients/patients presented a significant repercussion of the Diabetes Mellitus in their sexuality. Nevertheless, one of the questions of this scale reflected that 75% of patients recognized that Diabetes Mellitus was the cause of their SED. It should be underlined here that 68% of the sample conveys to have a sexual erectile disorder, therefore the study demonstrated that Diabetes Mellitus has certain repercussion in the sexuality of males appointed to the Doctor's Office in Chillan.