Известия высших учебных заведений. Поволжский регион: Общественные науки (May 2024)
Information technologies in the activities of the penal system
Background. The information sphere plays a crucial role in ensuring the imple-mentation of the strategic national priorities of the Russian Federation. Currently, the pro-cesses of digitalization have acquired a global cross-border character, have penetrated into almost all spheres of life of society and the state, have become an integral part of them and continuously affect various subjects of legal relations, including in the process of execution and serving criminal sentences. The legal regulation of the relations under consideration is carried out at various levels – starting from federal laws and ending with departmental regulatory legal acts. The purpose of the research is to substantiate the need for the subjects of legal relations to study and evaluate modern trends related to the introduction of infor-mation technologies in the activities of both the entire penal enforcement system and in the work of individual institutions and bodies executing criminal penalties. Materials and methods. The article used scientific works on the problem under study, materials of legisla-tive practice, as well as the results of author's research. The methodological basis was the universal dialectical method of cognition. Also, during the preparation of the article, the following methods were implemented: logical, formal legal, sociological, expert assess-ments. Results. In the course of the conducted research, modern directions of the introduc-tion of information technologies into the activities of the penal enforcement system have been identified, as well as new directions in the field under consideration have been pro-posed, which will contribute to improving the effectiveness of the execution of criminal penalties. Conclusion. It is concluded that the policy of the Russian Federation is aimed at the widespread introduction of information technologies, including in the penal enforce-ment system, which is reflected at all levels of state rulemaking, as well as in the practical activities of institutions and bodies of the penal enforcement system.