Journal of Agricultural Extension (Dec 2007)
Remuneration of Village Extension Workers (VEWs): A Issue in SustainableAgricultural Extension Development in Borno State, Nigeria
The study, therefore, attempts to investigate the adequacy of the remunerations of the village extension workers(VEWs). Interviewschedules wereusedto collectprimarydata from the VEWs. Participant observation was also used. The study shows that 21%,77%, 31%, 49% o and 13% of the respondents indicated that they were not satisfied with their basic salaries, mobility, housing, promotion, special training and size of areas of operation respectively Allofthemindicatedthatinadequacyinremunerations adversely affected theirperformance. Critical analyses ofissues involvedin the provision of their remunerations, however, showed that some of them were greedy and lacked understanding of their roles andresponsibilities asprofessional extension staff. It was recommended that government should review their remunerations and also re-train themin theirchosenprofession.