PhytoKeys (May 2017)
Two new combinations, lectotypifications and a new name for Costa Rican Palicourea s.l.
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Species of the complex and diverse genera Psychotria and Palicourea are common but little-known elements in many tropical forest ecosystems. DNA-phylogenetic studies and a re-evaluation of morphological characters have recently shown that species of Psychotria subg. Heteropsychotria are nested within Palicourea s.l., which was traditionally separated by exhibiting a bird-pollinated (vs. insect-pollinated) pollination syndrome. In order to render both genera monophyletic groups, species of subg. Heteropsychotria need to be transferred to Palicourea s.l. For Central American species, most of the necessary combinations have already been made. In the course of ongoing research on the phytochemical characterization of species and clades of Costa Rican Palicourea s.l., the nomenclature of Mesoamerican species was revised. As a result, two new combinations and a new name are proposed here: Palicourea horquetensis (Dwyer & Hayden) A. C. Berger & C. M. Taylor is based on Rudgea horquetensis Dwyer & Hayden, Palicourea tonduzii (K. Krause) A. C. Berger is based on Cephaelis tonduzii K. Kraus and Palicourea longiinvolucrata A. C. Berger replaces Psychotria hispidula Standl. In addition, two lectotypes are designated.