Jiàoyù zīliào yǔ túshūguǎn xué (Jun 2003)
1990年後國內遠距教育推動的歷程分析 : 教育改革與學習社會的反思 The Historical Analysis on the Development of the Distance Education after 1990s : The rethinking of the social learning and the educated revolution
本文分析相關官方文件及推動的政策,探討台灣在1990年代以後推動各校開辦遠距教學的歷程。從文本中抽離出有關遠距教育的理念及措施,分析此發展歷程與網路科技變化、國家資訊基礎建設(NII)推動、全球化(globalizntion)趨勢之間關係為何,並試圖從教育改革與終身學習社會的觀點,檢視這樣的發展與背後推動力量,是否與終身學習社會的概念相符應。According to the educational policy and the official documents, this paper analyzes the process of the distance education in most of the schools in Taiwan after the year of 1990. It is due to the text of the rational idea and the measures on the distance education,the paper shows the possible relationships between the education development and the network technology, the improvement on National information infrastructure (NII),and the tendency of the globalization. This paper, moreover, attends to exam the motivations of the development on the way to correspond with the conceptions of the learning society from the view point of the lifelong learning society and the educational reform.