SHS Web of Conferences (Jan 2021)
Is it Possible to Predict Earnings per Share?
The publication of quarterly results of publicly traded companies can have a significant impact on the valuation of their shares. This is mainly concerned with the valuation of the shares, whether it is correct, and at the same time as a prediction of the overall annual financial results. It In most of the analysed companies, we found that most of the year-on-year changes were negative. It is also not possible to draw a clear conclusion about the linear relationship between the percentage change pf surprises and the change in the market price of shares. It should also be noted that the share price in the monitored days may be affected by the current market situation. What this means in practice is that, despite the positive results and the negative mood, stock prices can end up in negative values. However, this situation was not the subject of our research. Therefore, we used a correlation coefficient for this dependence, which represent the mutual movement.