Research Involvement and Engagement (Jul 2021)
Reporting on patient and public involvement (PPI) in research publications: using the GRIPP2 checklists with lay co-researchers
Plain English Summary Involving patients, family carers and members of the public in research is known as patient and public involvement, or PPI. In health and social care research, PPI is considered important by many, including patients and research funders. Increasingly, research publications include an account of how members of the public have been involved in research being reported. But often there is not much detail regarding who was involved, what they did, and what difference their involvement made. In our study, we reviewed publications from research funded by an organisation called the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care (CLAHRC) in the East of England (EoE), to understand how members of the public had been involved. We also wanted to see how lay co-researchers found the use of a checklist developed to assess the reporting of PPI: the ‘Guidance for Reporting Involvement of Patients and the Public, Version 2’ (GRIPP2). Members of a Public Involvement in Research group (PIRg), based at the University of Hertfordshire, were actively involved in the study, with four PIRg members becoming co-researchers. The GRIPP2 has a long form and short form, and we used these to review 16 research publications. We found great variation in the PPI activities reported in the publications. The lay co-researchers thought the GRIPP2 short form was useful, but the long form was considered over complicated and not user-friendly. We recommend a revised version of the GRIPP2 short form, with clearer instructions, additional sections and training and support for patient and public reviewers.