Armaghane Danesh Bimonthly Journal (Oct 2006)

Knowledge of Married Women in Kohgilouyeh & Boyerahmad Urban Areas on AIDS and Sexualy Transmitted Infections

  • A Goshtasbi,
  • M Vahdaninia,
  • N Rezaee

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 11, no. 3
pp. 100 – 107


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ABSTRACT: Introduction & Objective: Sexualy transmitted infections (STIs) and AIDS are the most common diseases worldwide. Women are more affected by STIs and AIDS due to gender-related factors such as biological, cultural and so on. This study was conducted to investigate knowledge about AIDS and STIs among married women in Kohgilouyeh & BoyerAhmad Province/Iran. Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the urban areas of Kohgilouyeh and Boyerahmad province. Using stratifed cluster sampling, a valid questionnaire covering demographic variables and items related to knowledge about AIDS and STIs was administered to 1379 women covered by the urban PHC clinics. Results: The mean age of the respondents was 33.3 (SD=±9.3). Most were household (%85) and the mean level of their formal education was 7.2 years (SD=±4.8). The results also showed that women had the most knowledge with the statements that "using condom protects against AIDS" (%63.9) and "asymptomatic persons would be as AIDS vectors" (%65.1). There was a significant relation between education and recognizing AIDS as a sexualy transmitted infection (p=0.004). Albeit, women were poorly familiar with the STIs, the most knowledge was found with gonorrhea (%40.5) and the least with chlamydia (%12.2). The most knowledge was observed with the statements that "STIs would induce PID in women" and "using condom protects against all the venereal diseases" (both %61.1). A significant corelation was found between education and job and fimiliarity with STIs (p<0.001). Conclusion: Findings showed limited knowledge on sexualy transmitted infections and fairely good knowledge on AIDS. There is need for the promotion of women's knowledge in sexual health field.
