Infinity (Sep 2012)
Saat ini, guru-guru matematik dan pihak-pihak terkait telah mencoba membuat bahan ajar yang sesuai dengan tuntutan Kurikulum Matematika 2006 atau KTSP, namun hasilnya kurang memuaskan. Hal ini akibat dari pembuatan bahan ajar hanya berdasarkan pada perkiraan atau asumsi-asumi dari pembuat bahan ajar, yaitu diasumsikan siswa akan belajar melalui lintasan belajar tertentu. Salah satu solusi untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut adalah dengan cara mengembangkan Hypothetical Learning Trajectory melalui Penelitian Desain. Kata Kunci : Bahan Ajar, Penelitian Desain, Hypothetical Learning Trajectory. Mathematic teachers and other related agents have all these years been trying to formulate teaching materials that are appropriate with the demands of 2006 mathematic curriculum or KTSP (school-based curriculum). Yet, the results have not been as what are expected. This is due to the fact that the formulation of teaching materials are only based on estimations and assumptions stating that students will only learn on certain learning tracks. One of solutions to solve the problem is developing Hypothetical Learning Trajectory by using Design Research. Key Words: Teaching Materials, Design Research, Hypothetical Learning Trajectory.