Polis: Revista de Stiinte Politice (Mar 2015)
Egalitate de șanse în domeniul medical academic și de cercetare: de la perspectiva carierei la realitățile politico-economice (Equality of opportunity in the academic and research medical field from the perrspective of the career to the political and economical realities)
The issues involved in medical research and the objectives to be drawn and to promote medium and long term achievements of women researchers are presented with applications in the working methods, centers and institutions promoting and financing resources. Women researchers in medical and related fields managed to organize institutions, foundations and websites specialized in fundraising and building networks of research or presenting the results of medical research. According to the National Science Foundation in 2013, although women obtain the PhD qualification in proportions higher increasingly in various areas (ranging up to 50% of the proportion of PhDs in biosciences and medicine) leadership position is less well represented (in US in the biosciences, 22% of professor positions are held by women teacher and approximately 30% got leadership positions in faculties or departments). Access to financial resources is a key issue for the development of academic medical research. Many statistics published in medical or economy journals indicated that fewer women have published personal research and annual funding level was lower than that achieved by men working in the same research environments. This paper present an analysis of the current representation of women in academic and scientific research, and some models currently available at European and global level, in order to be more promoted in scientific research, according to political and economic realities. The issues are presented emerging from the particularities of the medical field that blends clinical care with education and advanced research.