Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Акмеология образования: Психология развития (Dec 2024)

The structure of the phenomenon of socio-psychological well-being of children’s personality: Concepts and results of empirical research

  • Voytenko, Maria Yu.,
  • Drobysheva, Tatiana V.

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 13, no. 4
pp. 322 – 333


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This study is relevant because socio-psychological well-being of children is rarely researched due to the diffi culty in identifying its indicators, which vary at diff erent stages of primary socialization. A partial solution to this problem is feasible if the concept of “socio-psychological well-being” is developed and its operationalization and psychometric verifi cation of the model on a specifi c age sample are conducted. The aim of this study is to carry out a psychometric verifi cation of the structure of socio-psychological well-being. Hypothesis: There is a correlation between the indicators of the three components of socio-psychological well-being of a personality (SPWBP). All indicators of the “self-attitude” component are positively correlated with all indicators of the other two components of SPWBP; however, not all indicators of the components “relationships with signifi cant others” and “agency” are correlated. Participants: 116 children aged from 5.5 to 7 years (M = 6.1; SD = 0.40), with 50% being males; all residing in Moscow. Methods (tools): The study employed several methodologies, including “Typology of the Subject Regulation of the Child” (S. V. Khusainova, G. S. Prygin) and the projective technique “Draw a Story” (R. Silver) for assessing the empirical referents of “self-attitude”; “Secret” (T. A. Repina), “The family in the Representations of Children” (T. V. Drobysheva, I. N. Mikieva), “Drawing a Family,” as well as clarifying conversation for evaluating “relationships with others”; “Peculiarities of the Manifestation of the Will of Preschoolers” (R. M. Gevorkyan) for measuring indicators of “agency.” Additionally, a questionnaire collected the socio-demographic data of the children. Results: The concept and structure of children’s SPWBP were formulated based on theoretical analysis. The hypothesis suggesting a three-component structure of SPWBP has been empirically confi rmed, and a high consistency of SPWBP indicators within each of the components has been established. Conclusions: Self–attitude is fundamental in the structure of SPWBP, linking the other two components: “agency” and “relationships with signifi cant others.” Respondents’ level of satisfaction with their relationships with others depends on the consistency of their self-assessments and the modality of their self-attitude. A positive self-attitude stimulates agency in children (their ability to show initiative, independence and endurance in interaction with peers). Practical Signifi cance: The research fi ndings can inform psychological assessments for children, educational practices, and parental counseling.
