Научно-аналитический вестник Института Европы РАН (Mar 2020)

The Social Activities of the Romanian Orthodox Church during the Fighting with Coronavirus

  • Olga Shimanskaya



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The article analyzes the current socio-political position of the Romanian Orthodox Church in the context of the state of Emergency caused by the pandemic of a new coronavirus that has affected the countries of the European Union. The article considers the interaction of the Romanian Patriarchate with state authorities, medical and educational organizations to establish effective assistance to the population. This is, first of all, the dynamics of the Church’s efforts aimed at fighting the pandemic at various stages of its spread in social service, charity and spiritual care for doctors, patients, people in self-isolation and difficult life situations. Data on the volume of charitable collections and donations from the Church and related non-governmental organizations, associations, and individuals to combat the spread of Covid-19 are entered into scientific circulation. The article reveals the specifics of liturgical activities that combine compliance with sanitary and epidemiological norms and requirements of the authorities in a state of Emergency, on the one hand, and the performance of religious functions and liturgical actions on the eve of the main Christian holiday – Easter, during it and after, in conditions of easing the regime of self-isolation. It is concluded that the Orthodox Church of Romania has shown itself to be not only an active spiritual and moral institution, but also a developed, open part of civil society, taking joint with the state, necessary for the whole society, large-scale actions to combat the spiritual crisis and for the health and decent life of all citizens of Romania.
