Formosan Journal of Surgery (Jan 2022)
Nonischemic priapism treated with selective arterial embolization
Nonischemic priapism is a rare, painless, and nonurgent type of priapism which is usually related to a history of perineal trauma. It can be distinguished from ischemic priapism by history taking and oxygenated, nonacidotic blood in cavernous blood gas analysis. The diagnosis is further confirmed by elevated cavernosal artery blood flow under color Doppler ultrasound. This article reviews the diagnosis and intervention of two cases with nonischemic priapism. The patients received selective arterial embolization with either microcoil or Gelfoam. Both of them were satisfied with their erectile function 1 week after embolization. Our practice reflects that selective arterial embolization is a safe and effective treatment for patients with nonischemic priapism.