Jurnal Ternak Tropika (Apr 2012)
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi ketersediaan sumber sel gamet betina (oosit) immature kambing yang diperoleh dari rumah potong hewan yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk in vitro maturasi (IVM). Isolasi oosit immature menggunakan preanthral folikel untuk selanjutnya dilakukan kultur in vitro folikel dan kemudian dievaluasi perolehan ovari, folikel dan perkembangan oosit in vitro.. . Metode Penelitian adalah percobaan laboratorium. Materi yang digunakan adalah folikel yang diisolasi dari ovarium yang diperoleh dari Rumah Potong Hewan (RPH) Kambing. Perlakuan adalah P0: kultur folikel kambing pra pubertas medium TCM199 tanpa +FSH, P1: kultur folikel kambing pra pubertas , medium TCM 199 + FSH. P2: folikel kambing dewasa , TCM 199 tanpa suplementasi FSH.dan P3: folikel kambing dewasa , TCM 199 + suplementasi FSH. Variabel yang diamati adalah; (1) perolehan jumlah ovarium/hari, (2) jumlah folikel terisolasi/ovarium dan % kebergasilan oosit yang mature. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata perolehan rataan per ovary pada pra pubertas adalah 4.32 + 0.54 sedangkan pada kelompok kambing dewasa adalah 5.19 + 1.99. Nilai perolehan folikel masing-masing kelompok umur adalah pra pubertas 21.00 + 7.14 sedangkan dewasa kelamin adalah 42.29 + 5.77. Kesimpulan sistem kultur folikel invitro merupakan system yang sangat rumit, dengan problem paling besar adalah masalah kontaminasi sel, mengingat waktu kultur yang sangat lama. Disarankan perlu dilakukan penelitian-penelitian pendahuluan untuk optimasi sistem kultur dan masih diperlukan pencarian medium dan suplmenantasi hormonal yang lebih sesuai untuk kultur folikel ternak kambing lokal. Kata-kata Kunci: Oosit, Maturasi in vitro (IVM), Preanthral folikel, kambing. THE FEASIBILITY OF PREANTHRAL FOLICLE CULTURE SYSTEM AS AN ALTERNATIVE SOURCE OF GOAT OOCYTES MATURED IN VITRO ABSTRACT The culture system of anthral follicles may provides the means not only of how producing a number of competence oocytes but also of investigating the physiology of follicular development and ovulation. Different culture systems have been developed. The cultured of isolated anthral follicle may produce many fertile oocytes in the possible high numbers . The aim of this research is to study and develop a reliable follicle culture system of goat. In vitro folikel culture system was using in this research. Research was focused in anthral follicle on oocyte potential and producing using in vitro system of goat folicle ovary isolated from local slaughtered house. The mammalian ovary contains a huge number of small follicle of various sizes. The research was conducted using experimental methods with 3 kind of treatment : P1. In vitro culture (IVC) system using pre pubertal goat folicle with FSH supplementation in culture medium P2. (IVC system using pre pubertal goat, F3. IVG system using pre sex matures goat with FSH supplementation in culture medium and P4 , IVG system using matured goat. The result showed that different age of goat (pre puberty and sex matured goat resulted in different potential of follicle isolated. for each ovary (4.32 vs. 5.19). with Total Follicle isolated from each group of ages were 21.00 + 7.14 and 42.29 + 5.77. IVG. The main problem of IVG system is contamination during isolation and culture cells It was concluded that IVG culture system was very complex method and result in low potential of oocyte resources .Key words: Oocyte, In vitro Maturation, anthral follicle, Goat.