Questions Vives (Dec 2019)

Quelle gestion des ressources éducatives par les enseignants de sciences ?

  • Harinosy Ratompomalala,
  • Éric Bruillard

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 32


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This article looks at how teachers manage educational resources, particularly during their preparation work. A study, based on the work initiated in the ANR ReVEA project, was carried out on eight physical sciences teachers from public secondary schools in Madagascar, where resources (textbooks, websites, experimental equipment, digital resources) are almost nonexistent or hardly accessible to them. On one hand, the study allowed the identification and description of two professional profiles: hackers, passionate and resourceful pioneers, and tuners, who somehow adapt existing resources. On the other hand, preferred work instruments have been rediscovered: phone, preparation notebook and "turnkey" resources. A lasting assignment to an isolated area seems to influence teacher’s professional behavior and raises questions on the role of initial training in preparing realistically to face this cultural shock. If we look at the core processes identified in the ReVEA project (inheritance, collection and building a network of trust), it seems that the scarcity generates a sense of competition, which does not favour the fourth process, which is participation and exchange.
