Waste Management Bulletin (Apr 2024)
Identification of suitable sites for municipal waste dumping and disposal using multi-criteria decision-making technique and spatial technology: A case of Bolpur municipality, Birbhum district, West Bengal
Municipal waste management is among the critical global issues that need special attention and is the primary concern of municipal authorities. This research aims to find the most suitable municipal waste dumping and disposal location. The analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and geographic information system (GIS) have been used to find relevant municipal Waste dumping sites. The final output of the Waste dumping suitable sites has been extracted using 10 functional parameters, namely distance from the pond, distance from the residential area, distance from the sensitive area, land use and land cover, slope, distance from the university campus, distance from roads, distance from the river, elevation, and distance from railway stations. The result reveals that only 6% of the municipality's land is best fitted for waste dumping. These areas are mainly fallow land, and 17% is highly suitable for waste dumping. The finding also indicated that the eastern part of Ward No. 22 and the south and southwestern part of Ward No. 16 are best for waste dumping. By methodically selecting appropriate locations, this study may help urban planners and legislators build a waste management infrastructure that is both resilient and ecologically responsible by reducing negative impacts on the environment, safeguarding public health, and making the most efficient use of available resources.