Lilloa (Dec 2021)

Studies in the Bromeliaceae, XII

  • Lyman B. Smith

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 1-2


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In the preliminary part the author publishes the news: Hohenbergia guatenialensis L. B. Smith, Piteairnia heterophylla (Lindl.) Beer forma albiflora Standley et L. B. Smith, P. nutckheimii Donn. Smith var. macrolepis L. B. Smith, Tillandsia ionantha Planch. var. scaposa L. B. Smith, T. penlandii L. B. Smith and their var. pedunculata L. B. Smith, T. polita L. B. Smith, Vriesia lancifolia (Baker) L. B. Smith, V. pectinata L. B. Smith and V. racinae L. B. Smith. In the second part the author continues his synopses of the Tribe Tillandsieae (now subfamily Tillandsioideae according to Harms). In this part he studies the species with simple inflorescences and flowers that all go to one side, with a total of 26 of the genus Vriesia. The first part of the synopses has been published in numbers LXXXVI and CVI of ?Contributions from the Gray Herbariam of Harvard University?.
