Nanomaterials (Oct 2017)

Unraveling the Origin of Magnetism in Mesoporous Cu-Doped SnO2 Magnetic Semiconductors

  • Junpeng Fan,
  • Enric Menéndez,
  • Miguel Guerrero,
  • Alberto Quintana,
  • Eugen Weschke,
  • Eva Pellicer,
  • Jordi Sort

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 7, no. 11
p. 348


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The origin of magnetism in wide-gap semiconductors doped with non-ferromagnetic 3d transition metals still remains intriguing. In this article, insights in the magnetic properties of ordered mesoporous Cu-doped SnO2 powders, prepared by hard-templating, have been unraveled. Whereas, both oxygen vacancies and Fe-based impurity phases could be a plausible explanation for the observed room temperature ferromagnetism, the low temperature magnetism is mainly and unambiguously arising from the nanoscale nature of the formed antiferromagnetic CuO, which results in a net magnetization that is reminiscent of ferromagnetic behavior. This is ascribed to uncompensated spins and shape-mediated spin canting effects. The reduced blocking temperature, which resides between 30 and 5 K, and traces of vertical shifts in the hysteresis loops confirm size effects in CuO. The mesoporous nature of the system with a large surface-to-volume ratio likely promotes the occurrence of uncompensated spins, spin canting, and spin frustration, offering new prospects in the use of magnetic semiconductors for energy-efficient spintronics.
