ეკონომიკური პროფილი (Jan 2022)
Infection of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) significantly changes the lifestyle of each person in the society and somehow appears as a phenomenon of the 21st century. This phenomenon has put the society not only facing global problems, but it has also become the cause of new innovative approaches, the development and introduction of digital trends. In this regard, it is important to consider the practice and experience of conducting innovative policies by the governing bodies of various developed countries in the modern world. All the countries of the world, including Georgia, are in the process of overcoming the crises caused by the coronavirus in different directions, as the pandemic has created many problems both within the country and internationally, and dealing with them has become a top priority. Examples of foreign countries innovation systems will be cited based on the functioning of various economic indicators, political and institutional mechanisms. In this regard, the article will touch on new, modern innovative approaches introduced in various fields, including health and education systems, and provide a comparative analysis of the innovative technologies introduced and used in the field of public administration in Georgia. Based on the relevant analysis, the article will discuss the indicators that indicate how digital space has increased in the pandemic conditions and the public demand for its use. The article will focus on the initiatives and measures taken by public authorities in Georgia. The paper notes that it is very important to focus on creating and developing tools, that will contribute a stable economy with sustainable and high quality actors, and offer a set of products and services to interested parties and potential beneficiaries, which is focused on helping the innovations and technology oriented entrepreneurs and startups to walk the distance from the idea to the functionality income models, because such kind of products help startups and innovations and technology-oriented entrepreneurs to journey to the market from the idea with less risks and more confident. Also it helps the entities which have already formed income model to gain knowledge, contacts, finances and general possibilities that could radically change their growth rate and the direction line. The paper also notes that the growing demand for digital space and modern technology during the pandemic period has shown that the current approach that the use of innovative and state-of-the-art electronic technologies in public administration is an auxiliary tool for management is erroneous and it is not only an auxiliary but also a key and necessary tool for effective governance for any state or non-governmental institution.