Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis (Jan 2004)
Body conformation comparison of Czech and Polish Hucul horses
Measurements of 17 body measures and 11 indices of body conformation on 209 breeding individuals of the Hucul horse were used to analyse the effect of country of origin (Poland and the Czech Republic), sex (stallions and mares), age (5 classes) and sire line (Gurgul, Goral, Oušor, Hroby, Polan, Pietrosu, Prislop). All horses were measured by one person. Measures and indexes were analysed by the GLM procedure. The main effect was the country of origin. Highly significant differences were found between both Polish and Czech horses in two thirds of measurements and in more than half of indices. The Czech Hucul horses are significantly higher, longer, wider in pelvis and have longer head than Polish horses. On the contrary to the Czech horses are Polish horses more compact, massive and have deeper chest. Their cannon bone in relation to height of wither is wider.