Coğrafi Bilimler Dergisi (Oct 2023)
Küresel İklim Değişikliği ve Çevresel Değişimlerin Etkisi Altında Arazi Değişim Biliminin Ortaya Çıkışı: Kurak ve Yarı Kurak Ekosistemlerde Arazi Değişimi
Whether land use activities damage a sustainable human-environment ecosystem is one of the most fundamental questions about coupled humanenvironment systems. Therefore, humanities and naturalists are exploring the integration of human-environmental systems on a common denominator spatial basis using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems. Since the 1960s, various methods and tools have been developed to address numerous spatial problems. Consequently, the term ‘Land Change Science’ was emerged as an interdisciplinary field in the 21st century, examining land dynamics in relation to environmental changes and global climate change. Although the Anatolian Peninsula mostly has a characteristic of arid and semi-arid climate and is heavily affected by land use dynamics, the term Land Change Science was found to be absent in the Turkish literature. This study contributes to the field by examining contemporary literature and filling a gap in the existing knowledge.