Stroke: Vascular and Interventional Neurology (Mar 2023)
Abstract Number ‐ 174: Direct carotid puncture for mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischaemic stroke
Introduction While the benefit of mechanical thrombectomy (MT) for patients with acute ischemic stroke with large‐vessel occlusion (AIS‐LVO) has been clearly established, difficult vascular access may make the intervention impossible or unduly prolonge. In the following cases, functional and safety outcomes of mechanical thrombectomy via direct carotid puncture were evaluated in patients with acute ischemic stroke with limited vascular access. Methods We evaluated seven patients with AIS‐LVO who underwent attempted MT in last year with limmited vascular access for aborted MT after failed transfemoral access or attempted MT via DCP. Results Of 11 patients with AIS‐LVO who underwent attempted MT, Direct carotid access was successfully obtained in all patients, mean age [± SD] 63 ±15 years. Successful reperfusion (thrombolysis in cerebral infarction score 2b or 3) was achieved in 11 patients (100%). Carotid access complications included disection vascular in 1 pacient, with second vascular Access (carotid puncture) required. In 3 patients (42.8%) thrombolysis therapy with IV r‐TPA were administered during thrombectomy by direct carotid puncture. 3 patients presented neck hematomas but they did not require any subsequent interventions. All patients required angio‐seal vascular closure device for direct carotid Access 6F. We found that the final functional outcome was based on modified Rankin Scale score between 1 and 3 achieve in 8 of 11 patients (71.4%). Conclusions DCP for emergency MT in patients with AIS‐LVO and prohibitive vascular access is safe and effective and is associated with higher recanalization rates.