Space Weather (Jan 2025)
Comparative Hypothesis Testing of Auroral Ionospheric Layer Causing Global Navigation Satellite System Scintillation
Abstract As Global Navigation Satellite System electromagnetic waves pass through the ionosphere, especially in auroral zones, ionospheric irregularities cause the waves to scintillate. Identification of the ionosphere scattering layer is an important factor in understanding the cause of scintillation. This work implements two techniques to determine whether signal scattering for Global Positioning System L1 and L2C signals might be in the E‐ or F‐layer. The first technique used is an updated process of Sreenivash et al. (2020,, in which the Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) maximum electron densities and their uncertainties hypothesize the layer in which scattering has occurred. The density‐based method predicts a majority of F‐region scintillation events for 2014, with a majority of E‐region events found for 2015 to 2019. The second technique consists of using the ratio of the 630 (red) to the 428 nm (blue) intensity in optical all‐sky images (ASIs) to hypothesize the scattering layer with ASI. The decision threshold is set to 1.35 based on the GLobal airglOW model. From 2014 to 2018 174 events have both PFISR data and ASIs with clear viewing conditions and alignment to within 25° of magnetic zenith. There is an agreement between the two methods for 128 (74%) events.