GigaByte (Sep 2023)

Genome assembly and annotation of the Sharp-nosed Pit Viper Deinagkistrodon acutus based on next-generation sequencing data

  • Xinyu Wang ,
  • Lirong Liu ,
  • Wenbiao Zhu ,
  • Shiqing Wang ,
  • Minhui Shi ,
  • Shuhui Yang ,
  • Haorong Lu ,
  • Jun Cao



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The study of the currently known >3,000 species of snakes can provide valuable insights into the evolution of their genomes. Deinagkistrodon acutus, also known as Sharp-nosed Pit Viper, one hundred-pacer viper or five-pacer viper, is a venomous snake with significant economic, medicinal and scientific importance. Widely distributed in southeastern China and South-East Asia, D. acutus has been primarily studied for its venom. Here, we employed next-generation sequencing to assemble and annotate a highly continuous genome of D. acutus. The genome size is 1.46 Gb; its scaffold N50 length is 6.21 Mb, the repeat content is 42.81%, and 24,402 functional genes were annotated. This study helps to further understand and utilize D. acutus and its venom at the genetic level.