Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem (Jul 2020)

Art therapy and education between peers connecting the group: an experience report

  • Mariana da Rocha Marins,
  • Donizete Vago Daher,
  • Andressa Ambrosino Pinto,
  • Rachel da Silva Serejo Cardoso,
  • Selma Petra Chaves Sá

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 73, no. 5


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ABSTRACT Objective: to report the “Talent Workshop: Art Therapy Connects the Group”. Method: this is an experience report of a workshop developed in November 2018, in 3 meetings, at the Family Clinic setting - Rio de Janeiro. Twenty-eight users participated, including diabetics and health professionals. In the first meeting, dynamics was used for presentation. At the second meeting, the circular process and peer education were used to address issues related to diabetes, in addition to exposing talent to workshop participants. At the third meeting, there was exposure of talents to every health unit. Results: the workshop provided comprehensive, individual and collective health promotion of users, allowing knowledgemultiplicationin their living environment. Final Considerations: the workshop was relevant for health education, changing the understanding of the subject’s autonomy about his role in self-care.
