Аграрная наука Евро-Северо-Востока (Oct 2019)
Naked oat is promising raw material for deep grain processing
During the research conducted at the All-Russian Research Institute for Starch Products there has been developed a technological mode of using cellulolytic enzymes to reduce the viscosity of grain pulp obtained by grinding naked oat grains soaked in a sodium metabisulphite solution. As the experimental data had been processed, the optimum technological parameters of the process were determined: the consumption of the enzyme preparation Viscoferm was 200 g/t of grain and the dura-tion of fermentation by constant stirring for 2.5 hours at pH 4.6 and temperature 50°C. Under laboratory conditions there has been studied the possibility of starch processing of naked oat grain samples Vyatka, Percheron, 857h05, 766 h05 varieties grown in the Federal Agricultural Research Center of the North-East named N.V. Rudnitsky. Technological assessment based on grain processing in the laboratory using the “plant on the table” method has shown that the yield of coarse-grained starch A in the processing of naked oat using cellulolytic enzymes is 51.4-53.9%, i.e. higher than that of filmy oats, rye Falenskaya 4 and Vyatka 2, wheat and triticale. Low starch content in fiber (7.7-8.7% dry substances DS of fiber) was found in comparison with the results obtained from the processing of filmy oats, Falenskaya and Vyatka 2 rye varieties, wheat and triticale (11.2 - 13.9% DS of fiber). Fiber output by the processing of naked oats is 7.3 - 8.8% DS of grain, by the processing of other types of grain 10.3 - 17.5% DS of grain. The yield of small-grain starch B in the processing of the studied varieties of naked oat is 19.2 - 20.8% DS of grain, that is higher than this value obtained by processing of filmy oats and wheat, but lower than by pro-cessing of rye and triticale. Isolated carbohydrate-protein concentrate, including starch B and proteins, is recommended for use with the extract and fiber as a component for the production of feed.