Современные информационные технологии и IT-образование (Apr 2021)
Modification and Migration of Components of the Grid-Site
All components of a grid site are interconnected by a number of tasks - to securely receive, process, store and transmit data, as well as meet certain requirements for the software of grid sites that are in the pool of large international experiments, install the most current versions of middleware, and operating systems that support the required grid services. The relevance of the software components is of great importance, since the state of the grid site as a whole depends on their performance. ATLAS, CMC, ALICE, LHCb and other international experiments monitor the state of their pool Grid sites for the relevance of their software components. Today, international experiments such as ATLAS and ALICE recommend their grid sites to migrate the most important component of a grid site - a computing element to ARC-CE or HTCondor-CE. This article discusses the migration of the legacy CREAM-CE component to HTCondor-CE, as well as the modification of the associated components of the grid site. The choice of the HTCondor-CE software product was determined by the quick and effective support from the developer at all stages of installation and testing, not a complicated scheme for installing and configuring HTCondor-CE services, and high-quality technical documentation of this product. Testing of the modified nodes of the AZ-IFAN grid site was carried out using the monitoring system of the data center of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan based on the Zabbix platform, as well as the EGI monitoring system based on the Nagios platform. After receiving positive test results, the performance of HTCondor-CE services was assessed using specialized monitoring tools of the Harvester system, the ATLAS experiment (CERN).