Formazione & Insegnamento (May 2022)
Play the Tale: Educating Reading in the Digital Era through Storytelling and Play
The contribution aims to reflect on the importance and, above all, on the future of reading education in the digital age. The entry into the world of reading is a kind of birth because it requires an educational relationship, encouraging, facilitating, and able to promote the growth and maturation of boys and girls as autonomous readers, competent, critical, and passionate. For this reason, we will try to outline a possible path of reading education through the use of storytelling and, in particular, of reading aloud and playful activities, in the belief that the pleasure of listening to a story and the joy of playing can find meeting points that accompany children on a path of growth that does not necessarily have to pass through an exclusionary choice, but that allows us to offer children of pre-school and school-age a way that is as complete as possible and inclusive of the many playful and educational realities.