Pedagogy and Psychology of Sport (Jan 2016)

The estimation of suspended sediment transport using nefelometric and traditional measurements of turbidity of water on an example of the cascade lower Brda River

  • Dawid Aleksander Szatten

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2, no. 1
pp. 64 – 72


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The evaluation of the suspended sediment transport was conducted on artificial reservoir of cascade of lower Brda River, to compare methods: traditional (weight) and nephelometric (optical). The analysis was based on field research conducted below the Smukała Reservoir in the years 2014 - 2015. These included sample collection for determining the value of total suspension (traditional method) and nephelometric turbidity of water (laser method). Sampling was connected with the observations of water levels, for specifying the hydrological situation. The collected data were interpreted using basic statistical methods. Was found that the the Brda River is characterized by a low suspended sediments load. Observations turbidity of water was possible to determine temporary dynamics of suspended sediments and indicate the main source of the suspended material. Received in article data indicate that the compare methods are interchangeability.
