Analiza i Egzystencja (Jun 2007)
Zwrot w myśli Heideggera (THE TURN IN HEIDEGGER'S THOUGHT)
The main problem discussed in the article is the concept of the turn in Heidegger's philosophy. Numerous commentators have interpreted the turn as a mark of a radical change in the philosopher's interests after 1930. Heidegger, however, often seems to imply that the concept refers both to his own discourse and to a supraindividual change in the very metaphysical thought. This difficulty can be resolved only after a careful examination of Heidegger's enterprise of 'overcoming metaphysics' as well as his putting into question of the traditional philosophical paradigm. It is this perspective that allows the speculative meaning of the term 'turn' to be clearly seen. The meaning reveals the following paradox: that the turn both is and is not. In a way, the paradox forms a credo of Heidegger's postmetaphysical work.Other author's publications: