JPhys Energy (Jan 2023)
Magnetocaloric properties in (La,R)(Fe,Mn,Si)13H (R = Ce and Pr)—toward a better alloy design that results in a reduction in volume of permanent magnets and the establishment of long-term reliability in cooling systems
The magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in La _1− _z R _z (Fe _0.89− _x Mn _x Si _0.11 ) _13 H _y _max (R = Ce and Pr) is verified in view of correlation between alloying recipes such as selection of doping elements and fundamental physics that governs MCE. The Ce-doped specimen with z = 0.3 & x = 0.017 exhibits a peaky isothermal entropy change Δ S _M profile with a maximum value of 20 J kg ^−1 K under a field change of 0.8 T at the Curie temperature of 285 K. In contrast, the enlarged field dependence of the Curie temperature and diminished hysteresis results in the adiabatic temperature change Δ T _ad of 2.7 K under a field change of 0.8 T at the Curie temperature of 289 K for the Pr-doped specimen.