E3S Web of Conferences (Jan 2017)
Comparative analysis of cellulose pressboard and aramid paper used in air insulation systems of high-voltage devices
The paper presents results of a comparative analysis of parameters of two kinds of solid dielectrics used in air insulation systems to prevent occurring partial discharges. The research works regarded materials made of: cellulose pressboard and aramid paper. All measurements were performed under laboratory conditions by changing the value of partial discharges generation voltage until breakdown occurred in the inhomogeneous environment that was simulated using needle-plate (made of copper) electrode system. The main contribution which resulted from studies is a statement that potential use of aramid paper as a dielectric can extend the life of a high voltage electric device as compared to standard cellulose pressboard usage due to higher electric resistances to breakdown or detection of corona voltage. Results shown that the aramid paper has greater electric resistance to breakdown in comparison to cellulose with no difference between both on detecting corona of partial discharge.