Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi Terapan (Mar 2018)
Parent’s academic expectation dan konsep diri akademik terhadap kecemasan menghadapi ujian nasional siswa SMA
National exam is one of the stages that High School students must pass before they are graduated from high school. Although it is no longer a prerequisite for graduation, but facing the national exam still raises its own anxiety. This researchaimedto determinethe influence of parent's academic expectation and academic self-concept of high school studentstest anxiety. The method used in this research is a quantitative method. The research instrument used 3 scales, consist ofparent's educational expectation scale, academic self-concept scale, and testanxiety scale. Respondents in this study are163 High school students. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analysis technique. The result of this research shows that F = 31,90 with p = 0.000, meaning that there is significant influence between parent expectation and self concept totest anxiety at high school studentAbstract should end with a comment about the importance of the results or conclusions brief.