Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem ()

Validation of educational booklet: an educational technology in dengue prevention

  • Camila Fernandes Wild,
  • Elisabeta Albertina Nietsche,
  • Cléton Salbego,
  • Elizabeth Teixeira,
  • Natalia Barrionuevo Favero

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 72, no. 5
pp. 1318 – 1325


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ABSTRACT Objective: to validate a booklet on dengue prevention in order to make it an educational technology to be used with the population. Method: methodological study, carried out with two groups of judges specialized in health and other areas. For data analysis, the calculation of Content Validity Index was carried out. Results: the booklet, in general, was considered valid by the expert judges, since it obtained an overall CVI of 70%. However, it has undergone a textual and aesthetic re-elaboration. The changes were based on the substitution of expressions, phrases, information additions and language adequacy. The illustrations were redone, adding clarity, expressiveness, movement, interaction and contextualization. Conclusion: the booklet is valid to be used for the population, with the purpose of informing, in a playful way, the forms of prevention and combat to mosquito transmitting dengue.
