Хирургия позвоночника (Sep 2020)
Scoliotic disease: report to the teacher
It is with gratitude that I dedicate my work to the teacher, Ya.L. Tsivyan, who not only provided a subject for research, but also, on his own example of a person devoted to his work, brought up a generation of scholars for whom life and science are inseparable. The paper presents the results of many years of research on idiopathic scoliosis in the form of a report to the teacher. Several fundamental topics were considered: 1) for the first time in world practice, it was established, on the basis of a study of 50 patients with idiopathic scoliosis, that the etiological factor of scoliosis is ectopic localization of neural crest derivatives, which are not genetically determined to chondrogenic differentiation and the growth process, in the vertebral body growth plate; 2) a local disturbance of chondrogenesis in the vertebral body growth plate is the cause of the growth asymmetry and formation of spinal deformity in idiopathic scoliosis; 3) the degree of structural changes in the spine and the prognosis of the deformity progression depend on the level of disturbance of the morphogenetic processes in the vertebral body growth plate embedded in embryogenesis; 4) it is supposed to confirm the proposed hypotheses by inhibition of the PAX3 gene in the chick embryo model of idiopathic scoliosis and to get answers to many more unclear questions concerning scoliotic disease