Romanian Journal of Oral Rehabilitation (Apr 2020)
Gout is an entity metabolically characterized by a positive balance of uric acid, and from a clinical point of view through specific articular manifestations – acute or chronic – as well as visceral lesions, especially kidney. It represents a complex disorder of protein metabolism, associated with the alteration. lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. Gout is a disease that falls into dysmetabolic disorders, being the result of a disorder of uric acid metabolism, rheumatic suffering, with multiple clinical and evolutionary aspects, with a sufficiently characteristic clinical picture, without posing major diagnostic problems. It involves the accumulation of an increased amount of uric acid in the tissues and joints and hence their suffering; is the expression of tissue lesions that may be at the articular or kidney level. Being a dismetabolic disease, it enters into an unfavorable conjunction with other metabolisms and especially with carbohydrates and lipids, which influence and degrade each other. A patient who has only gout, in a few years may become a diabetic or may have atherosclerosis. Material and method: We studied the oral syndrome in a group of 2 7 patients with gout in the acute phase and in the chronic stage. The patients were hospitalized during 2012-2019, having as main objectives, highlighting the clinical-paraclinical and evolutionary features of the gout, and studying the oral syndrome. Results and discussions: The deposition of urates especially on the level of the cartilages, tendons and synovial membranes is explained first and foremost by the physico-chemical peculiarities of these tissues. Conclusions: The appearance of gout is favored by a food containing large amounts of nuclein, alcohol and lead poisoning, probably due to the fact that all these substances have a harmful influence on renal function. A clear diagnosis is the first step for a correct therapeutic approach. The diagnosis of gout is made by identifying the monosodium urate crystals at the articular level or based on the specific clinical signs and hyperuricemia.