European Journal of Translational Myology (Mar 2020)

The Behavior of oxygen saturation and blood filling in the venous capillary system of the biceps brachii muscle during a fatiguing isometric action

  • Silas Dech,
  • Laura Schaefer,
  • Frank Bittmann



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The objective of the study is to develop a better understanding of the capillary circulation in contracting muscles. Ten subjects were measured during a submaximal fatiguing isometric muscle action by use of the O2C spectrophotometer. In all measurements the capillary-venous oxygen saturation of hemoglobin (SvO2) decreases immediately after the start of loading and levels off into a steady state. However, two different patterns (type I and type II) emerged. They differ in the extent of deoxygenation (–10.37 ±2.59 percent points (pp) vs. –33.86 ±17.35 pp, P = .008) and the behavior of the relative hemoglobin amount (rHb). Type I reveals a positive rank correlation of SvO2 and rHb (ρ = 0.735, P <.001), whereas a negative rank correlation (ρ = –0.522, P <.001) occurred in type II, since rHb decreases until a reversal point, then increases averagely 13% above the baseline value and levels off into a steady state. The results reveal that a homeostasis of oxygen delivery and consumption during isometric muscle actions is possible. A rough distinction in two types of regulation is suggested.
