Historie - Otázky - Problémy (Oct 2021)
Císařský vyslanec Josef Klement z Kounic na cestě po jižním Švédsku a východním pobřeží Dánska v létě roku 1776
This text focuses on a tour of southern Sweden undertaken by the imperial envoy Josef Klement of Kounice in the summer of 1776. The count was active in Sweden from 1775 to 1777. On the basis of a French-language travelogue, it is possible to compile the itinerary that took Kounic to, for example, Gothenburg, Landskrona, Karlskrona and, briefly, to Copenhagen, Denmark. During his travels, the count became familiar with the country and its system of government, as well as the state of its armed forces and fortifications, which he was then able to put to good use in performing his service.