Jurnal Pendidikan Vokasi (Aug 2016)
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan keefektifan pengelolaan lab komputer di sekolah menengah kejuruan negeri se Kota Banjarbaru, menggunakan pendekatan deskritif kualitatif, bertempat di SMK negeri se Kota Banjarbaru. Populasi sekaligus menjadi sampel penelitian adalah tiga orang kepala sekolah, 15 orang guru, tiga orang laboran, 30 orang siswa kelas XII. Objek penelitian adalah lab komputer. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara terstruktur dan observasi di lapangan. Instrumen penelitian berupa angket dan lembar observasi. Data dianalisis dengan cara membandingkan antara rerata skor observasi dan norma yang telah ditentukan. Pengelolaan lab komputer secara umum kurang efektif, perencanaan yang tidak terstruktur dan kurang melibatkan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan, pengorganisasian yang tidak maksimal, pelaksanaan yang masih kurang sesuai dengan perencanaan, dan pengawasan yang dilakukan secara tidak terencana dan tidak ada tindak lanjut yang jelas. Untuk itu pengelolaan lab komputer memerlukan strategi dalam melaksanakan fungsinya sebagai salah satu sarana dan prasarana kegiatan pembelajaran dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan sumber daya yang ada, memperbaiki kelemahan, dan tanggap terhadap peluang serta mencari solusi untuk setiap hambatan yang ditemukan. Untuk meningkatkan keefektifan pengelolaan lab komputer dilakukan dengan konsultasi dan komunikasi dua arah dengan pihak yang terkait dalam upaya memberdayakan dan mengembangkan sumber daya serta memberi solusi dan arahan penyelesaian masalah yang tepat. Kata kunci: keefektifan, pengelolaan, lab komputer THE MANAGEMENT OF COMPUTER LABORATORIES IN VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Abstract This study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of the management of computer labs in state vocational high schools in Banjarbaru. This study used the qualitative descriptive approach, held at all vocational high schools in Banjarbaru. The sample of the study which was also the population consisted of three principals, 15 teachers, three laboratorians, and 30 students of class XII. The objects were computer laboratories. The techniques of collecting the data were structured interviews and field observations. The research instruments were in the form of questionnaire and observation sheet. The data were analyzed by comparing the mean of observation score with the predetermined norm. The research results were as follows. The management of computer labs was generally not effective. This could be seen from the unstructured planning and a lack of involvement of the related parties, the organization which was not maximum, the implementation which was still not in accordance with the planning, and the unplanned supervision without any clear follow-up. Therefore, computer lab management needed strategies to carry out its function as one of the learning activity infrastructures by making use of existing resources, improving weaknesses, being responsive to the opportunities, and finding solutions to any obstacles found. Improving the effectiveness of the computer lab management should be done by conducting two-way communication and consultation with relevant parties in an effort to empower and develop resources and provide solutions and guidance to solve problems accurately. Keywords: effectiveness, management, computer laboratory