Studiul Artelor şi Culturologie: Istorie, Teorie, Practică (Jun 2021)
Although music analysis is a familiar syntagma for all those who have professional connections with music, today manyresearchers are trying to defi ne its status, to reveal its place and role in the context of studying and understanding music. Usually, analysis is oriented towards the examination of the musical work as an artifact in order to discover the internal coherence of itscomponents. Lately, analysis is more and more open to the mobile aspects of the work, these being related to the interpretation, reception and its existence in a certain contextual environment. At the same time, in the conditions of diversifying the compositional practice during the 20th-21st centuries, musicology is forced to diversify its analytical methods. For these reasons, analysis tends to turn into a concept that involves any approach and can explain the structures and meanings of any music. Th us, analysis aspires to become a dialectical epistemology capable of ensuring, on the one hand, maximum openness and variety of interpretations, but also to impose fi delity to the analyzed work.