Acta Cirúrgica Brasileira (Dec 2004)
Ação do dimetil-sulfóxido na isquemia de retalhos randômicos de pele em ratos The role of subcutaneous methyl-sulfoxide in a morphological study of random skin flaps in rats
Objetivo: Avaliar a ação do dimetil-sulfóxido (DMSO) na necrose distal de retalhos randômicos isquêmicos em ratos. Métodos: Foram utilizados 30 ratos machos, linhagem Wistar, peso entre 220 e 363g e idade média de 3 meses. O retalho cutâneo dorsal (8x2cm) com pedículo cranial foi descolado, reposto em seu leito e suturado com poliamida 4.0. O grupo controle-CT (n=10) não recebeu nenhuma medicação, o grupo simulado-SM (n=10) recebeu o volume de 1mL de solução salina subcutânea, dividida em dez aplicações ao longo do retalho, o grupo experimento-EX (n=10) recebeu a injeção de 1ml de DMSO 5%. Após sete dias foram avaliadas as áreas de necrose distal e colhido material para o estudo histológico. Resultados: As medidas das áreas de necrose (CT=47,99, SM=58,78, EX=41,57) e as porcentagens das áreas de necrose (CT=29,98, SM=36,73, EX=23,99) mostraram-se menores no grupo Ex (pPurpose: To evaluate through the morphologic study (macro and microscopic) the effectiveness of DMSO in the genesis of the distal necrosis of random skin flaps in rats. Methods: 30 male rats were used, lineage Wistar, weight between 220 and 363g and 3 months medium age .The skin flap (8x2cm) with remained cranial vessels it was unstuck, restored at his bed and sutured with polyamide 4.0. The control-group CT (n=10) don’t received any medication, the simulated group -SM (n=10) it received the volume of 1mL of subcutaneous saline solution, divided in ten applications along the skin flap, the experiment group (n=10) it received the injection of 1ml of DMSO5%. After seven days they were appraised the areas of distal necrosis and picked material for the histology study. Results: The measures of the necrosis areas (CT=47.99, SM=58.78, EX=41.57) and the percentages of the necrosis areas (CT=29.98, SM=36.73, EX =23.99) they were shown smaller in the EX group (p < 0,05). The qualitative histology study showed, in the group EX, larger angiogenic presence, smaller destruction of the enclosures and of the conjunctive stroma and presence of fibroblasts in more precocious period than in the two other groups. Conclusion: The analysis of the collected data can infer that DMSO had beneficial action on the random skin flaps, expressed by the smallest area of distal necrosis and for the histology aspect of repairing tissue more precocious.